Poetry, prose, photography and illustrations inspired by the natural world, and my travel adventures. This will also include entries from “My Mother’s Recipe Box- An A through Z Exploration of my Identity Through Food & Wine”
32K+ readers. Followers, please note that only free or paid subscribers receive our picks of the best-written books from US & UK prize shortlists & major reviews, & masterclasses by their (sometimes world-renowned) authors on prose style.
The Weekly Muse is the ultimate resource to help poets write & publish more poems. Weekly prompts, writing exercises, publishing opportunities, insider tips from editors, & more! Includes FREE Zoom classes with award-winning poets with paid subscription!
Worried about the state of the republic? Get the legal knowledge & analysis you need to be an advocate for democracy, along with a dose of savvy optimism.
gate(less) is a practice, a log, an indulgence, a spellwork, a meditation, an invitation to the ecstatic experience of this day, this life, this Mystery -- Your life A bit of poetry, and other experimental, experiential modes of communication
Economic history, economics, political economy, finance, & forecasting. Here to try to make you (and me) smarter in a world with many increasingly deep & complicated troubles...
Advice and wisdom from Heather Havrilesky, published since 2012 (formerly at The Awl and NY Magazine). Paid subscribers receive 1-2 weekly posts on how to navigate our broken world with compassion, realism, and an open heart.